Tarot of Love

Take your free Interactive Love Tarot reading

Click on the cards below to reveal a tarot card from the deck. Repeat until you draw all the visible cards. The meaning of the cards for your Free Love Tarot Reading will appear below each card. These Free Interactive Tarot cards will give you lessons and wisdom that can guide you to make the most of your current circumstances.

Select 3 cards

interactive tarot love
The Fool

◁ The Fool ▷

When this card shows up in a love tarot reading, get ready to embark on a new adventure. The Fool tarot meaning in love signals that you’ll need to experience new things in order to find the romance that you desire. Be willing to take risks, be bold and expand your vision of the world and you may end up finding love in the most unlikely places. Surprises are in store for you.

Since the Fool represents the start of new journeys, it’s tarot meaning in love can be an indicator of new relationships.

As with any new relationship, you may fear rejection, but this card indicates that this should not hold you back. When you open yourself up to the world, even in the face of embarassment or rejection, you may find what you are looking for. In love and relationships, the Fool tells us that we should be confident and have faith that all things will work out well. It tells us that instead of giving up, we keep trying, and look at the world with innocence and wonder. The Fool tarot meaning in love encourages open-eyed innocence and positivity.

interactive tarot love
The Star

◁ The Star ▷

Lots of hope in love and romance is signaled by the Star tarot love meaning. It’s likely that your sense of hope and optimism can be a powerful magnet for you right now, giving you a sense of charisma and charm. If you have been healing from a break up, this card suggests that you are well on your way, and you are slowly rebuilding your confidence so that you can move on. If your relationship has been going through a rough patch, this also may be a time of healing. So long as the two of you remain communicative and honest with one another, there is great potential for bringing the two of you closer together.

interactive tarot love
The Hermit

◁ The Hermit ▷

Love, being one of life’s greatest mysteries, can be a great teacher. It requires all of us to truly know ourselves, our needs, our fears and our insecurities. The Hermit tarot love meaning can signal that we may need some time alone in order to develop some insight about our selves before forming a strong romantic relationship with another person. This period may feel a bit lonely, but it will place you on the right path to finding a love that you are meant to have. If you’re already in a relationship, this soul-searching is something that the two of you may want to do together. Both of you may want to think about what you expect out of a relationship, and what may make you happier. The initial talks may be uncomfortable, but will prepare a strong foundation for tackling the future ahead.

Flip all cards

What can the interactive tarot tell us about our love relationship?

When we do the reading of the letters, the first thing that you will tell us that first letter is how our love life is or if something happens.

Second, the next letter will tell us that if something happens if we have taken the appropriate measures so that we do not continue to harm our love life.

Third, the last letter will tell us that after taking the pertinent measures about what happened in our love life, what can happen? well and if the letters believe that in that situation there would be something that could be done.

How is the love tarot reading done?

The love tarot is based on the deep love that two people have, and usually the most frequent questions will be if it will go well, if that love will last, etc. because relationships are part of our daily lives, so it helps us to know how we are and who we are in order to know how to convey that love and to be able to interpret it in front of the world around us

Reading this tarot can help us to know more about how the relationship can go or how we can channel it before any problem that we see that may arise before the loved one. It can also reveal hidden secrets of the other person who loves us, which can be in a conditional or unconditional way, for example.

Free Interactive Love Tarot
Tarot of Love – Free Interactive Tarot

How to make online consultations in the tarot of love?

When one decides to consult the tarot of love online, they are presented with numerous doubts, whether it will be reliable, etc. Doing online readings of the love tarot is exactly the same in form and reliability as if it were in person, the seer will help you solve your doubts about the question asked as if it were a face-to-face consultation.

When the consulting person realizes that the online consultation is as if it were a live consultation in front of the tarot reader, the questions arise such as, is he telling me the truth? Would it be more reliable to carry out the consultation in the presence of the seer? Is he manipulating me in any way? These are questions that everyone would ask themselves, but you don’t have to think about them because online seers do their job in the same way.

What questions can be asked to the tarot of love if you do the online consultation?

For this kind of online consultations, the best and easiest thing is to make simple and straightforward consultations so that you can have information that is easy to understand, therefore it is recommended to make the print run of 3 letters for this kind of consultations, example of possible questions .

Interactive love tarot reading
Free interactive love tarot

What feeling does that person have towards you?

The person with whom you talk until you have a more or less deep conversation may not know what this person feels, but that does not mean that you do not feel anything with time you may reach a serious relationship.

Is he telling me the whole truth or is it a mere fabrication?

A good way to know this is to have a good confidence and that this is linked to the intentions of the seer, because people can have a personality in front of the camera and another very different in reality, that is why the interactive love tarot can give us an idea of ​​the person who is actually consulting us.

What can happen with this relationship in the future?

It is a question that everyone asks when they are in a similar situation, but it is an answer that we must reason if after meeting the person that relationship is worth it and if in the end the relationship would be something serious or not. Therefore, we should not ask questions for the moment about specific details such as marriage and children when we still do not know if said relationship will work, therefore, as in any relationship, either online or face-to-face, we must let life and love follow their natural course.

What is better to meet the person face to face or virtually?

The most normal and logical thing would be over time if you want to get to have a relationship is to meet face to face, the letters can help you to know if the date itself will be productive or not, it can also happen that the letters are not all that favorable What we expected and what they are telling us is that we must be careful and that it is not the time to take that important step and we will have to wait to see how things work first.

On the other hand, we can also decide to meet the person, in this case we will have to take into account that the web of the interactive love tarot is well visible to be able to have a guide at all times and see first-hand everything that is happening .

interactive love tarot
Tarot of love online interactive

How to know about our love life and what direction it will take?

It is important to know about our love life and especially where it is headed, and we will find that in the free interactive love tarot reading. By reading the letters we can know how our love life is currently, where it is headed, etc., this can also be applied to other aspects such as the search for a partner or simply to that new relationship that is emerging and we do not know how it will turn out or simply that relationship already exists with a partner.

What cards will augur us a fantastic interactive tarot reading?

The following list shows a series of letters which we must be sure that when they appear in a print run they will only tell us good things related to love and if there will be any minimal problem, they would surely give us satisfactory advice to solve said problem happily.

The major arcana are the main cards of the deck, but what are the best interactive love tarot cards?


It is one of the best cards in the interactive love tarot, this card has a very close connection with love and with the relationships that arise from it. It tells us about a strong bond between two people where there is a feeling of affection and sincere affection, but like all letters it can also have another meaning and that is that it gives us the choice that we have to choose between several people, but we do not have to worrying this card will help us to be able to choose correctly in love.

The Empress

This card represents mother earth, it also tells us of an unconditional love that is why mother earth symbolizes. It has a strong link with nature and reproduction, since this letter announces a birth or that there will be a pregnancy soon.

High priest

The High Priest due to his strong connections to religion and tradition. When this letter comes out in a reading, it will be announcing a marital commitment, for this reason this letter tells us about a strong love between two people

The devil

Although this card imposes a little on us, we should not fear it, when it appears in a reading it will be indicating that there is a strong sensual energy, since this card is very governed by sensuality, but be careful that it can also have an attraction that in some In some cases, you become obsessed, but you don’t have to worry because if you have a good balance, your protective layer will put the passion and desire in that relationship in your favor.


This letter tells us about everything that brings us joy and well-being, just as it also talks about peace between the conscious and the subconscious, but when we talk about love it will be telling us that there is a lot of happiness and that we will have a lot of prosperity and could even have a marriage commitment