Marseille Tarot

It is the most enigmatic deck and the one with the most history, as well as being the most popular in the world, just after the Egyptian one that also became popular, although the most interesting version and that has lasted the longest is the updated Nicolas Conver. in 1760. The Nicolas tarot is practically where all the other versions of the Marseilles tarot were based.

This tarot is one of the most traditional, its illustrations are medieval and its numbering in Roman numerals and the names of each card are written in French at the bottom of each card.

Free Marseille tarot reading

You just have to choose three clicks on the cards to reveal your reading. The first letter tells us about the past, the second about the past and the third about what could happen.

Please select three cards

Interactive tarot de marseille

◁ The Empress ▷

The Empress advises you to trust in the good sense you have shown up to this point. Recognize your good intentions in carrying out your responsibilities as a compassionate human. You are capable of demonstrating the finest aspects of your personality.

Demonstrate this through caring actions, a forgiving and generous attitude, and wise understanding of others’ needs and struggles. Bring a healing influence to the current situation and take full credit for the supportive part you play.

◁ The Empress – Reversed Position ▷

Because the Empress represents Nature, when she is reversed she has tremendous natural power to correct her heedless children. Volcanoes, tsunami, hurricanes and the like symbolize violent emotions triggered by ignorant or foolish humans.

If you feel like being corrective, you are probably justified, but set limits on how punitive you allow yourself to be. You don’t want to go too far and destroy all you have taken so much delight in.

Interactive tarot de marseille

◁ The Lovers ▷

The Lovers card advises that you study your options and make the wisest choice. Carefully consider your long-term interests. There is no judgment on what you choose to keep from the array of possibilities before you. Just watch out for choices that will produce dissatisfaction and discontent.

Be willing to make some compromises, then stick with the commitments you finally make. Trust your intuition along with your rational intellect, and once you make your choice, carry it out with conviction.

◁ The Lovers – Reversed Position ▷

The Lovers card reversed may indicate that you are going along with a divided situation because you have a vested interest in opposition. You can’t resolve this situation until you own up to your own double standard.

Admit the resistance you feel, instead of proceeding halfheartedly or with unspoken resentments. In such an important area of your life, you should not just go along to get along.

Interactive tarot de marseille

◁ Death ▷

The Death card advises you to detach from the old order. You may want to close accounts, complete unfinished tasks, and gather your harvest. It is time to move on. If you cut the cords that have bound you to old ways and outdated conventions, you could free yourself to join the sweep of incoming light. This is not an excuse to reject others or hurt them in any way. It is simply a time to move toward your ultimate interests.

Do not allow nostalgia and outworn loyalties to hold you back. Be willing to go through whatever it takes to get to where you really want to be.

◁ Death – Reversed Position ▷

The Death card reversed suggests that you might long for the cord to be cut, but unfortunately you have to persist and endure without the relief of an ending. It is not time for termination and closure yet.

Be patient with the current circumstances without resigning yourself to a negative outcome. Coming changes may alter the way you feel about the status quo. Remember that harvest isn’t started until the fruit is ripe. Work at becoming wiser and more mellow, sweeter and more nourishing, and your time of release may happen sooner.

Flip all cards

The mystical and powerful Tarot of Marseilles

The tarot deck consists of Major and Minor Arcana and is well known and practiced with it throughout the world. Its origin is not very clear, since many countries used its magical and mystical symbolism. There are innumerable theories, but none of them clearly points to the origin of the Tarot.

The Tarot is not only linked to divination, but also to connect man with wisdom. Esoteric people use the Tarot to facilitate their communication and obtain more precise answers from the spiritual plane.

The meaning of the tarot cards is associated with everyday life situations, since they have messages (direct or indirect) that, after being interpreted, help in our evolution and growth, in search of our deep interior. Each number or figure symbolizes an aspect of human consciousness or an experience to live.

The Tarot consists of 78 cards in total, 22 of which are Major Arcana and 56 are Minor Arcana (divided into four suits with 14 cards each).

There is a letter that is that of the “crazy” that depending on the printed edition this will be numbered with “0” or “22” or it may not even be numbered. The rectum of the 56 cards will be the Minor Arcana, which in turn will be divided into 4 groups of 14.

What are the Major Arcana of the Tarot?

The 22 letters that make up this group are the most important, and as their name says: they express the greatest mysteries, with a profound teaching, something in which we cannot interfere in its course and part of us, and of our nature will be understood and revealed.

The Major Arcana are also called Triumph and at the moment of reading them they exert great influence, since their energies have meanings of spiritual searches, portraying psychological aspects of our personality.

Interactive Marseille Tarot
Tarot Reading Marseille – Major Arcana

Cards of the minor arcana of the tarot of marseille

The minor arcana are the 56 remaining cards of the deck that, as we previously said, were divided into 4 groups of which three of them are numbered with Roman numerals, wands, cups, and swords and the other unnumbered group that are the golds, and There is a remaining of the deck that are the Honors or Figures, these are 14 cards that are arranged in the following way, the jacks, the horses, the queens and the kings with a total of 78 cards.

Minor Arcana Interactive
Marseille Tarot Spread – Minor Arcana

Meaning of the 4 groups of card suits in the minor arcana

  • Oros , a letter with a very strong authority, foreshadows money and a commitment to something or someone and, most importantly, it tells us about the health of some disease or something temporary, it can also talk about dominant people with material and miserable interests.
  • Wands or Wands, speak to us of strength, hunches, authority and work, like clovers and clubs. He also tells us about the land, the virility of men and their bad aggressiveness.
  • Swords , means movement, war, fight for something with courage doing justice for something, but beware that this card is of hypocrisy, greed and ultimately very bad omens.
  • Cups , quite the opposite, to the previous love letter, joy is a letter that speaks to us of mercy and faith and is very optimistic and speaks of a lot of generosity around us.

The Marseilles tarot cards, depending on the group they belong to, have masculine or feminine characteristics depending on the color, etc.

The female cards bear the Roman numerals II, IV, VI, VIII.

Male cards bear the Roman numerals III, V, VII, IX and each card with its number has the following meaning:

  • AS (I) these letters represent the beginnings, person with determination with impulse in something that is beginning with a lot of effort.
  • Two (II), it is warning us of balance and disappointment, when it appears in the reading it is telling us that we will not be able to continue forward while the balance is not right.
  • Tres (III), tells us about the influence that some people have in our lives in many aspects such as work, emotions, etc. Above all, this letter refers to communication as we have seen.
  • Table (IV), tells us that the time has come to rest and pause to be able to continue later where we left off.
  • Fives (V), are negative letters that tell us about negativity, losses, fights, etc. What we must face in life.
  • Sixes (IV), indicate that there is a great growth, that we will jump any obstacle that is put in our way and we will gain confidence in ourselves and we will overcome all the obstacles that were and that are presented to us.
  • Seven (VII), are letters that tell us that we must have faith in ourselves and in the world around us, things are happening that we do not know why, but we do not have to worry about confidence in ourselves and the truth will help us fix it.
  • Eight (VIII), are letters that tell us about work and the changes that exist, that if we want to achieve our goals we must give those changes to our life
  • Nine (IX), these letters tell us about friction between people, things will happen that some of us like more than others.
  • Ten (X), the gods announce that a cycle is closing, they tell us about the pros and cons that we have had as a result of overwork, which will be positive or negative depending on the suit of cards that comes out.